Bronx EdTech Showcase Enlightenment Keynote

After so many conferences were canceled last spring, we’ve been glad to get back on the presentation train this year. We had a terrific time on Friday May 7 presenting at the annual Bronx EdTech Showcase. Our presentation was the enlightenment keynote in the morning, including a brief talk about the work we’ve done on undergraduate use of academic technology, and breaking out into smaller groups to play a game about envisioning edtech futures.

Many thanks to the conference organizers, fellow presenters, and attendees! We’re happy to share our slides as well as the game overview and rules.

Presenting at the New York Library Association Conference

We took a lovely train trip upstate at the end of last week to present at the NYLA annual conference in Saratoga Springs. We had a terrific time talking about our research and discussing ways that many kinds of librarians — public, academic, K-12 — can support college students in their uses of technology.

Many thanks to the enthusiastic attendees of our session! Our slides are available for download, too.

Presentation on Student Taskscapes at Hunter ACERT

We were delighted to present at Hunter College’s ACERT (Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching) last week, talking about our research on the CUNY student experience. We focused here especially on student taskscapes: what they’re doing, where and when, with what tools or objects, and around which other people, and especially the challenges or successes they find.

Many thanks to Jeff Allred (English, Hunter) for inviting us to present, and to everyone at ACERT for a great event. Jeff’s written a blogpost about the event on the ACERT website, and the excellent ACERT videoteam have also posted a video capsule wrapup.

Understanding the Whole Student at Teach @ CUNY Day

We were thrilled to be invited to present the keynote at Teach @ CUNY Day yesterday along with Natalia Ortiz, doctoral student in Urban Education at the CUNY Graduate Center. Our presentation was a broad overview of our research into how CUNY undergraduates fit their academic work into their lives, focusing on study locations, the technology they use, and how they do research in their courses. Natalia’s terrific presentation also spoke to our students as whole people and ourselves — faculty and staff — as whole people as well, and it was lovely to experience that synergy. Both presentations were livestreamed if you’d like to check them out, and here are the slides and notes from our presentation.

Many thanks again to Luke Waltzer, Director of the Teaching & Learning Center at the GC, and all at the TLC for inviting us to speak and participate in a great day of workshops and conversations.

Connecticut Library Association Presentation

We had a great time today presenting and talking with academic librarians at the Connecticut Library Association Conference. We began by asking folks to draw a map of their libraries and think about a place that works for their library users and one that doesn’t, and asking folks to share that out with the group. Then we shared what we learned about how students work (and don’t work) in our college and university libraries.

It was a great discussion, many thanks to all who attended, and to the College and University Libraries Section of the CLA for inviting us to speak. Our handout and slides are below, please feel free to get in touch with any questions or feedback!

Activity Handout

Materials from METRO Workshop #2

We had a great time returning to METRO today with our colleague Frans Albarillo to offer a follow up workshop on analyzing data from interviews and focus groups. As before, here are our slides and handouts from the workshop.

Many thanks to all who came out to one (or both!) of these workshops, we had a terrific time.


Sample Interview Transcript
Sample Focus Group Transcript

Presenting on Cognitive Maps at ACRL 2015

We’re just back (and perhaps still jet lagged) from the biannual Association of College & Research Libraries conference, this year in beautiful Portland, OR. We were delighted to present on a panel with our frequent collaborators Donna Lanclos from UNC Charlotte, Andrew Asher from Indiana University, and Lesley Gourlay from the University of London.

This time around we presented on cognitive maps and showcased the different mapping methods we’ve used to gather data about student and faculty learning spaces. We also asked the panel attendees to draw cognitive maps of their own learning spaces, which was super fun to watch. Folks seemed to really enjoy the opportunity to draw their own maps and discuss them with their neighbors as well as share out in the session, and lots tweeted photos of their maps when we suggested it, too.

We’ve put the slides from the session on prezi, and I’ve storified the tweets from the session as well (as usual, Donna and Andrew are much better at livetweeting our sessions than I am). Donna has written up the session on her blog, too.

METRO Workshop Materials

Along with our colleague Frans Albarillo of Brooklyn College, we’re pleased to be offering a workshop on conducting interviews and focus groups at the fabulous METRO — the Metropolitan New York Library Council — on Tuesday March 3rd.

If you’re attending the workshop (and even if you’re not), here are links to our slides and handouts for your reference:


Exercise 1
Practice Exercises

Qualitative Research in Academic Libraries

Our springtime of presentations continued this month, and we presented on June 6th at the first ever library assessment conference — Reinventing Libraries, Reinventing Assessment — sponsored by CUNY’s Office of Library Services and held at Baruch College. We were delighted to be sharing a session with our frequent collaborator Donna Lanclos from UNC Charlotte. Donna spoke about the value of qualitative research in academic libraries generally as well as the work she does as library ethnographer at UNC Charlotte, and we spoke about the work we’ve done learning more about how CUNY students use (or don’t use) their libraries.

I threw together a quick storify of the whole session after the conference, though it’s perhaps a bit heavier on tweets from our presentation than Donna’s (because I’m not as good at livetweeting a session I’m in as Donna is). And there’s a great writeup of the conference in Library Journal that includes a discussion of our session. We’ve posted our slides and notes from the presentation here and on the Results and Findings page.

CUNY Students’ Learning Spaces

It’s been a busy presentation year for us (with a couple more to come in June), and it’s been great to get around the university and beyond to talk about our project. Last Friday we presented at the CUNY CUE Conference at LaGuardia Community College, which was a great time with loads of interesting questions from attendees. We’re happy to share our slides and notes from the presentation (linked here as well as on Results and Findings). Here’s our abstract:

As commuters CUNY undergraduates employ various strategies to find time and space to be students. While students’ constraints may be invisible to faculty and staff, they may affect engagement in students’ academic work. We interviewed CUNY students to learn how they study in various locations. Knowledge of the student experience outside the classroom can inform strategies to increase student success.